Last week the Iowa Lottery conducted a second chance prize draw from an unclaimed Powerball prize worth $1 million and we can report that the result is in.
A group of 34 workers at Collins Aerospace have been identified as the lucky winners of the Woo Hoo A Million For You promotion giving members around $18,500 each after taxes.
Laurie Ginder of Anamosa, the syndicate organiser, spread the news of the win to each member via email.
"At first, they didn't believe it," Ginder said. "I got a lot of, 'Is this a joke? Is this for real?'"
The co-workers who are regular lottery players insist that good things come to those who wait. They always end their emails to each other with the words "Always believe something wonderful is about to happen."
The rightful winner who has missed out on the chance to claim a $1 million prize after the final deadline expired purchased the ticket in Nevada last year.
If lottery prizes are not claimed in the allotted time, the ticket is void, and the funds go into prize pools for future games and promotions. In this case, the "Woo Hoo A Million For You" giveaway.
All Powerball tickets bought in Iowa from May 29th through June 11th were entered into the promotion, making a total of 165,265 entries.