Second chance lottery pays off

14th December 2018 11:06am

The reason why we love playing world lottos so much is because you never know when a second chance lottery is going to pay off.

That's precisely what happened to one lucky winner this week when she hit it big on a second time round chance.

The winner, a 64-year-old lady from Otsego County bought a Double Bonus Cashword game from the Marathon gas station in Gaylord but after scratching the ticket and checking it she discarded it as a no win and placed it on a pile of other losing scratch tickets.

However, the Double Bonus Cashword game offers players a second chance to win so when the lady called in at a local Marathon gas station she decided to see if any of her tickets were second chance winners.

"I sat down to enter some of the tickets from my pile, and this one just wouldn't go in," she said.

"That evening, my friend and I were on our way to a work Christmas party, and we stopped at the Marathon so I could scan the ticket to see what I'd won. As soon as the clerk told me it was a $300,000 winner, I started screaming: 'Oh my God!' I got so shaky, I thought I might be having a heart attack," she went on to say after having her winnings validated.

The winner who is obviously on cloud nine plans to cut hours back at work so she can spend more time with her family.

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