Iowa lottery presents $1 million giveaway

17th April 2019 3:00am

The most obvious thing to do with an unclaimed $1 million lottery win is to simply serve it again and that's exactly what the Iowa Lottery plans to do.

The days have passed since the Powerball drawing on April 11th 2018 but despite media interest and massive publicity the $1 million prize remains unclaimed and the deadline to claim has now passed.

"A $1 million prize was won in the Powerball drawing on April 11th, 2018 at a Casey's store in Nevada," Iowa Lottery CEO Matt Strawn said.

But one man's mistake is another man's treasure because Strawn went on to say that the Iowa Lottery will now follow state code which insists on a new giveaway and the drawing for the promotion will be held June 19th.

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Tickets for the giveaway go on sale from May 29th through June 18th and the fact that you don't even have to have winning numbers to get the prize is a welcome prospect indeed.

"Every Powerball ticket purchased, only in Iowa in this three week window, represents a shot at a million dollars," Strawn said.

News of the giveaway has been well received in Iowa and as you would expect, several Iowans know exactly what they will do with all the money should they win it.

"With a million dollars, I would take care of my family, extended family and set my kids up for college and all of that," Amber Hughes said.

"I would probably first make sure that my kids' college education is fully funded and then find something fun to do and then probably give quite a bit away since it was just something that fell into my lap anyhow," Chip Albright said.

"I have two kids as well, so the college fun would be a have to. Beyond that, take a trip with the kids," Cody Allison said.

"My husband and I would get new cars. We'd go on vacation and probably give the rest to charity," Carol MacDonald said.

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