Mom draws comfort from lottery win

5th December 2018 12:40pm

Do you ever get the feeling a deceased loved one is trying to get a message to you?

Maybe the familiar smell of perfume?  A piece of music that reminds you of a deceased love one? Unexplained lights flickering? A feather that comes from nowhere?

Smile AnywayWell, for Amy Johansson of Branford, Connecticut  it's her recent lottery win.

Amy is convinced the winning lottery ticket is a sign that her son Eric who passed away at the young age of 24 is still close by. With good reason!

After purchasing a couple of CT Lottery "$100,000 Cashword 9" scratch tickets, Amy began to scratch off the letter game and could not believe it when the first four of the eighteen letters revealed her sons name, 'Eric'.

Then as she scratched off more letters the word 'love' was uncovered.

"Our loved ones are always with us, watching over us," Amy said. "I can't think of a better way, or a stronger sign of it, then that lottery ticket.

At first, I thought I won $100 and I was pretty excited. Then I looked at the ticket again and saw a few more words."

It was only when Amy checked her ticket in the ticket checker that the $1000 cash prize was confirmed.

Amy plans to donate the $1000 prize to continue to support 'Smile Anyway' in his memory, a non-profit organization the mom founded after her sons death.

"It's a nonprofit that is educating and raising awareness on the drug epidemic in our area," she said.

"All of the money will be put to good use, to help provide a structured transitional facility for young adults, to make a difference, and to save lives," she added.

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